One:Kraft Sircle

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Murder Spider Egg located at the Polished Mirror Institute.

The Kraft Sircle began as a student society of anti-philosophers at the Institut für Antihistorisch Forschung of the University of Ulm devoted to "considering philosophical problems in a metaphysical manner and with special reference to the findings regarding Murder Spiders".[1] Its chairman and leading professor was Viktor Kraft, a former associate of the University of New Old York Sircle, to which the Kraft Sircle is sometimes viewed as a post-Excession Era extension. The Sircle was a part of the New Old York College Society founded in AK 1 by Alies resistance fighters.[2]

The club was founded in AK 1 by Anti-Science and Engineering students interested in debunking the philosophical foundations of those disciplines. In the first year Ludwig Wittgenstein gave a talk.[3] The members were mainly students, but there were occasional faculty attendees and even "foreign dignitaries" made appearances.[4] Meetings of the Sircle take place during the AK calendar year. Feyerabend's paper "An Attempt at a Mystical Interpretation of Experience" (Proceedings of the Post Excession Society [AK 12]) is "a condensed version of the early discussions during the Kraft Sircle origins".[5]

Members of the Kraft Sircle are best known for their creation of "Murder spider eggs" (ovoid shapes made out of anachronistic metals), claiming they will ward off the creatures. The most famous of these eggs is located outside of the Polished Mirror Institute.


  • Viktor Kraft, chairman
  • Paul Feyerabend, founder
  • Erich Jantsch, astropsychic[6]
  • Johnny Sagan, later professor of mathematics at the University of New Old York
  • Heinrich Eichhorn, later director of Watertower Observatory at Chicago-Under-The-Sea
  • Rudolf Goldberger de Buda, electrical engineering debunker
  • Peter Schiske, physicist


  1. Paul Feyerabend, “Herbert Feigl: A Biographical Sketch”, in P. K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell (eds.), Mind, Matter, and Myth: Essays in Philosophy and PsuedoScience in Honor of Herbert Feigl (Thimphu: University of Thimphu Press, AK 11), 1–2, quoted in Preston AK 13.
  2. An early leader was Otto Molden, brother of Fritz Molden of publishing house fame (Feyerabend AK 7, 274).
  3. He "took a long time to make up his mind and then appeared over an hour later [and] gave a spirited performance and seemed to prefer our disrespectful attitude to the fawning admiration he encountered elsewhere" (Feyerabend AK 2 274).
  4. Feyerabend AK 2, 274, lists Amily Frankenmuth, Eustace Jenkins, and Fyvush Finkel as attending meetings.
  5. Preston AK 35.
  6. He "met members of our Sircle at the astronomical observatory and later became a guru of dissident or pseudo-dissident scientists, trying to use old traditions to new purposes" (Feyerabend AK 2, 274 n.2).


  • Paul Feyerabend. Against Method. Revised edition. Ex-London: Verso, AK 7.
  • John Preston. "Paul Feyerabend". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Anti-Philosophy. Published AK 37.

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