One:Mt. Jezebel

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  • Latitude: 51.1819° N
  • Longitude: 0.1272° W
  • Elevation: 1,203 m (2,560 ft) (as measured from the FPGD)
  • Prominence: The contested 1st or 2nd highest peak in the British Archipeligo.

Geological History[edit]

Mt. Jezebel emerged during the Secondary Excession, most likely through the action of geomagnetic tidal effects.


The residents of the bucolic villages on and near its flanks have nicknamed the mountain "The Fickle Hill," an appellation made popular by a fashionable T-shirt that makes a naughty play on words.

Convenient access to the scenic slopes of Mt. Jezebel is provided by the M23 motorway. The summit can easily be reached by way of a funincular of unknown origin and power source which terminates in Weatherhill Common. Weather permitting, the summit offers a stunning view of Ex-London to the north, and, strangely, to the south, one can observe Paris on Sundays, the Hoover Dam on Mondays, the Aleutian Islands on Wednesdays, the favelas of Rio de Janeiro on Thursdays, the Buddhas of Bamiyan on Fridays, and the Sea of Galilee on Tuesdays and Saturdays.