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Art Melis Fragment #113, 'Bissun'

Accordingly, life under the various Accumulationist regimes in the Slavonic region was characterized by such a degree of personal libertinism and unprecedentedly pervasive bureaucracy that not only were no less than 37 genders and 233 sexual orientations recognized by the goverments, but each one of these was cataloged by the Ministry of Weights, Measures, and Moral Rectitude and kept track of during each Quarterly Census.

Despite the unprecedented variety of choices, many still wished to decline to state their gender on such forms, and in typical Slavonic fashion the leadership cadres responded by creating not one or two, but rather three different 'genders' that amounted to 'decline to state', each with a slightly different gradiation of meaning.

'Nunya' implied a beligerent tone, and that the so-identifying person's gender and sexuality were profoundly unlikely to ever be of relevance to anyone not already knowing it. 'Ess' was very nearly the opposite, implying enthusiastic membership in a sexual and personal orientation for which the genders of oneself and one's partners were utterly irrelevant.

More popular than either of these was 'Bissun', which carried with it an acceptance of extreme Accumulationist orthodoxy holding all matters of sexual identity as irrelevant except as they are of service to the state and a tendency towards aggressively unisex apparel and hairstyles.