Rammstein Durst

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Revision as of 21:02, 16 August 2012 by Rammstein Durst (talk | contribs) (Public relations secretary has advised holding nose and joining in the popular gauchery of describing academic bona fides.)
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W. R. Durst, recent file photo

Publishing magnate, owner of The San Francisco Torrentor. Child of three mothers c/o other brothers. Disavows entirely the content of unauthorized fictional work "Citizen Kanye". Bandologist, MCa.

n.b. As it has apparently somehow become the fashion to "brag up" one's academic paper trail, let it be known that while not otherwise very busy building a media reappropriation empire or seeing to his duties as a Master of Ceremonies, Alternate, to the Church of Bandology, Mr. Durst received by mail an associates degree in Theoretical Iconoclasm from a University you wouldn't have heard of, it's very underground, there's seriously only like five students.

Regarding inquires in the vein of:

  • "Why did you do it"
  • "did you do it for the nookie"
  • "how big an influence did the nookie have on your decision to do it"
  • "what shall I do with this cookie"

&c., &c., please contact Mr. Durst's public relations secretary.