User:Brother Carnelius Stoat
Brother Carnelius Stoat has made a living by refusing to acknowledge merely "problems" or "difficulties" when each is also an "opportunity". Or, as he phrased it in his bestselling pamphlet about the Event, we have only opportunicultiums™ ahead of us!
This pamphlet, What Came After: Opportuni-cult-iums™ in Practice!, marked the beginning of Brother Stoats transition from world-reknowned self-hope™ expert into amateur historian, and he has spent the last several years investigating the positive side of life after the Event. In addition to his prize-wining historical manuscripts and world-spanning lecture tours, Brother Stoat has worked with numerous world class research institutions such as and the University of Post-Chicago, the Polished Mirror Institute, and the Florida Parasail Management School.
Some of his more popular writings include:
- Opportunities? Problems? Opportuni-cult-iums™!
- What Came After: Opportuni-cult-iums™ in Practice!
- 100 Cheery Facts You Probably Didn't Know About The Event
- A Glass Half Full, a Life Well Lived
- Way of the Stoat: Positive Thinking for Real World Opportunities
- Chicken Soup for The Eschaton: Reinterpreting the Writings of Ezereen Trapezius
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