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Each and every InfoArchology is a unique experiment in self-contained knowledge.

The first InfoArchology, The Titenburg, was branded as an attempt to be “all things to some people.” The principle behind The Titenburg was to create a self-consistent, self-sustaining knowledge-structure, containing a minimally sufficient set of axioms and a necessarily diverse substratum of real-world data on which the axioms could operate to produce new knowledge without relying on input from the outside world.

The Titenburg was lost when it concluded that up was down, in was out, and freedom was strawberry jam, then wandered into one of the inferior spatial dimensions—exactly which one is unknown, though the cerulean dimension has been ruled out.

The famous Green Hussar seems to have achieved greater success (and infamy) by instituting a tightly controlled but complex import/export arrangement with several outside entities. Other InfoArchologies, like Brav Nega, are more isolated and inwardly-directed, so who knows what’s going on in there.