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Byxs is the smallest and most temporally active of the so-called Strange Moons (along with Xor, Motol, The Cueball, and Rejinalt M. Harringdon, III). It is an enormous mass of biological matter in irregular orbit around the Earth, generally measuring 2000 km in its largest dimension. Orbital fMRI scanners indicate Byxs has many functional biological systems, including skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and lymphatic; but notably appears to lack a digestive, respiratory, nervous or reproductive system. Some astronobiologists believe that these systems and others may exist in a different temporal region that is accessed through the ACT that appears to form Byxs’s core.

Byxs appears to be subject to strong temporal shifts, moving erratically through time, though its physical location is usually predictable, despite its extremely complex orbital path. This temporal fluidity is usually credited with the wide range of physical shapes Byxs appears to take, though it is most often roughly spherical.

Byxs was first discovered along with the other Strange Moons shortly after the Secondary Excession opened up the Plum, Vine and Asphalt dimensions of space to detection.

The first manned mission to Byxs was lead by the nation-states of the Greater North American Co-Prosperity Sphere in 196 AKBL, and included a successful landing on the Polar Hairless Plain, but all members of the mission were lost when Byxs abruptly shifted into a more longitudinal form several minutes after landing.
